Import Data in multiple Languages


The WP Import Export plugin allows you to import multilingual content for the Polylang plugin quickly and easily in just a few steps.

Step-by-Step Guide: Importing Polylang Content

Step 1: Start the Import Process

  • Navigate to:
    YOUR_SITE => WP Import Export => New Import => File Setup. Review the setup file, and if everything looks correct then click on top right ‘Next‘ button to next step.

Important Notes :

  1. If the setup file is exported using the same plugin, content types and all fields will be automatically mapped.
  2. If you’re using a custom file, the plugin auto-mapp certain fields, while others must be manually mapped.

Step 2: Select What to Import

  • Choose the specific content types you want to import.

Step 3: Field Mapping, if you don’t understand, confusion, or unclear in field mapping step then click on Field Mapping learn more.

  • Setting up the Polylang section and configuring Polylang languages is easy—all you need are two pieces of information.

( 1 ) Language : Import language,

  • Example: ‘en’ for English, ‘ar’ for Arabic, ‘fr’ for French, and so on.

( 2 ) Translations : You can map two options to language translations. default Exported Data,

  1. Exported Data : Exported the same plugin field.
  2. Custom Data : It is manually to map,
    1. Language : Import language.
      • Example: ‘en’ for English, ‘ar’ for Arabic, ‘fr’ for French, and so on.
    2. Translations : Translation language data,
      • Example: When importing a post, remember to map the Title, Content, or Slug.

After this step, you can continue with the regular import process.